Author Archives: guardianchimney

Annual Chimney Cleaning Keeps Families Safe

Chimney sweeps remove blockages—namely creosote and soot—accumulated within the cozy confines of your overall chimney. These blockages can cause catastrophe in the form of fire and/or carbon monoxide poisoning. As such, it is wholly necessary, to have inspection and subsequent chimney cleaning done on a regular (at least) annual basis at your home. Guardian Chimney conducts chimney cleaning for Paramus NJ residents and others nearby. Call us up now and we can schedule you for an inspection or cleaning to ensure that your chimney is ready to burn come the arrival of cooler temperatures.

A regular cleaning schedule can guarantee safer operation of your chimney. Just a trace amount of accumulated creosote can unfurl a blaze that can consume you home. A very flammable substance, creosote builds up within your chimney or liner as a result of burning wood, which hampers the draw of your fireplace and reduces overall heating efficiency. Different types of wood house different amounts of creosote when burned. Pine, for example, tends to create a swift build-up of creosote and should not be utilized as a heat source.

To make sure that your chimney is fully functional, homeowners should implement annual inspection, followed by chimney cleaning, if necessary. Venting systems that are connected to furnaces and stoves should also be cleaned regularly to maintain safer operation. Fireplace, stove, furnace and heating appliance systems are important to your home and the safety of your family—this is not an area to spare in order to save on costs. Don’t take any chances on your chimney as problems may be lurking within your there right now. The great potential of expensive repairs, chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning are very realistic in an unchecked and not properly cleaned chimney.

Perhaps you only utilize your chimney sparingly. It is within your best interests to have the chimney inspected annually before ramp-up. This could make you aware that a cleaning is needed or that you are good without one for another cold season. Inspections can lead to the discovery of more than just a needed cleaning. Defects in design or installation can be detected during such an inspection that will otherwise rule out or justify the need for a chimney cleaning.

Would you like to learn more about chimney cleaning in Paramus NJ? Call Guardian Chimney at 1-888-688-1388 or you can contact us.

Masonry Repair for Spalling on Your Chimney

Brick, the most common type of chimney material found within the American home, is subject to breakdown in a variety of ways, frequently creating a need to call in for the assistance of a masonry repair expert in Fort Lee. The effects of time and weather gradually break down the structure of individual bricks through a mechanical process known as spalling.


Spall occurs when moisture finds its way into the pores of individual bricks, then goes through subsequent and repeated freeze and thaw processes. As a brick freezes, its volume expands. Once thawed, the pressures involved in this ebb and flow cause flaking and gradual breakdown to occur, which has an adverse effect on the masonry holding the chimney together.

As the brick breaks down, once tight seals between it and the masonry become porous, creating the very same spalling effect to begin on the concrete itself. The end result is a gradual breakdown of the chimney and deterioration occurring over time. Flakes, specks and shards of brick and mortar may be found spread out on the roof, in the gutters or in your yard.

Masonry repair specialists will then need to be called in to perform patchwork repair, replacing portions of or completely rebuilding your beloved chimney. Fortunately, for residents of Fort Lee and surrounding areas, Guardian Chimney, a full service, family-owned and -operated chimney cleaning, chimney repair and masonry repair company is ready and able to come in and help. Guardian Chimney performs a wide variety of services for chimney owners including relining, cleaning and video inspections.

Would you like more information on masonry repair in Fort Lee? Call Guardian Chimney at 1-888-688-1388 or contact us to Schedule an Appointment.

Common Types of Masonry Repair

You can never be too careful when it comes to the safety and well-being of your family and loved ones. This is one of the many reasons why we specialize in masonry repair in Newark and surrounding areas. We want to help keep you and your family safe from the threat of a chimney fire or carbon monoxide poisoning. Here are a few of the most common types of masonry repair we do for our customers.

Broken Chimney

Repointing (also known as tuck pointing)
The mortar between the bricks of your chimney can sometimes wear away. This can cause a variety of issues, such as water seeping into your chimney. It can also compromise the structure of the chimney itself. We can come out to replace the mortar. This process, known as repointing or tuck pointing, is a fairly common type of masonry repair for chimneys, especially older ones that haven’t had the mortar repaired or replaced in quite some time.

Chimney Crowns
Over time, cracks can develop in chimney crowns. These cracks allow water to enter into your chimney. The water can freeze and thaw and, over time, create more cracks in your chimney and mortar. Eventually, the chimney crown will deteriorate. A routine chimney inspection will catch the problem before it becomes a big issue. However, if it’s not caught in a timely manner, you may need to have a new chimney crown installed.

The flashing on your roof is sheet metal that is applied to make the connection between your chimney and roof watertight. If the flashing needs repair, the roof can leak and lead to rot and mold. This is another important aspect of your chimney that needs to be checked on a regular basis to ensure it does not need repair or replacement. Again, catching a problem early will eliminate more costly repairs later.

Over time, all the materials that make up your chimney (other than the brick or stone) will deteriorate as it is exposed to water. This is especially true during the freeze/thaw process. The water that gets into your chimney will cause metal parts to rust. To prevent masonry repair from water damage, we can protect your chimney by applying a product that will greatly reduce water penetration.

Would you like more information about masonry repair in Newark and surrounding areas? Please give Guardian Chimney a call at 1-888-688-1388 or you can Contact Us.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gas Logs

Want to enjoy a warm and comforting fire without the mess and hassle of a wood-burning fireplace? Then gas logs are the product for you. We install gas logs in Newark and surrounding areas, so we hear many questions about them. Here are the questions we hear most often and how we answer them.

gas fireplace in a newly remodeled basement

Q: What is the difference between vented and vent-free gas logs?

A: Vented gas logs are placed in your fireplace and the exhaust created from burning will go up and out through the chimney, just like a wood-burning fireplace. Vent-free gas logs burn cleanly and therefore produce very little to no exhaust. Heat from vent-free gas logs goes directly into your home, which makes this type of log a better choice if you want to supplement your home heating system.

Q: Why should I use gas logs instead of wood?

A: There are several reasons to go with gas logs. First of all, you don’t have to buy firewood or cut it yourself. You also don’t have to deal with the mess from wood logs and needing to constantly replenish them in your fire. It saves time from always needing to bring more wood in to the house. You also save on the mess from ashes and needing to clean them from the fireplace.

Secondly, you don’t have to deal with creosote and other byproducts that come from burning wood. Gas logs burn much cleaner than wood, also helping them be more environmentally friendly.

Lastly, as mentioned in the previous answer, vent-free gas logs tend to distribute heat better in your home, whereas wood-burning fires release some of the heat through the vent that is required.

Q: Can installation of gas logs be a Do-It-Yourself project?

A: No. We recommend hiring professionals like us to install gas logs in your home. We have the knowledge and experience to perform the installation safely and without risk of hurting anyone. If we are adding vented gas logs, we can inspect and clean your chimney first before properly installing the logs.

An important point to remember is that gas logs cannot be installed in a gas fireplace. It sounds counter-intuitive, but if gas logs are placed in a gas fireplace, many problems can occur such as a house fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Do you have more questions about using gas logs in Newark and surrounding areas? Please give Guardian Chimney a call at 1-888-688-1388 or you can Contact Us.

Hiring Certified Chimney Sweeps

With winter right around the corner, more and more people will start to gather around their fireplace. There is nothing quite as cozy as sitting at a fire, roasting marshmallows and spending time with your loved ones. As chimney sweeps near Hackensack, we fully understand just how fun fireplaces can be. But it is also important to remember that your chimney should be cleaned on a regular basis by certified chimney sweeps.

Certified chimney sweeps are a better bet than non-certified for several different reasons. For one thing, there is an organization called the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). This group certifies chimney sweeps and holds them to high standards, and they also require specific training and educational classes in order to achieve this certification. Guardian Chimney is certified by the CSIA because we want our chimney sweeps to have all of the skills necessary to clean chimneys thoroughly and safely.

When you burn wood or another fuel source, one of the byproducts of burning it is creosote. That sticks to the sides of your chimney and builds up over time. Once it gets to a certain point, it can become a fire hazard. Chimney sweeps know how to clean the creosote off of your chimney and that helps eliminate this threat.

So how will you know if you need to look into hiring chimney sweeps? One of the earliest warning signs is if you notice an unusual odor coming from your fireplace or chimney. You might also start experiencing a phenomenon known as a backdraft. This is when the wind is blowing in a certain direction and causes the smoke to blow back into your home. If your chimney needs cleaning, this can contribute to the backdraft. Not only is this a problem in terms of the smell and smoke that it allows into your home, but it could also cause a fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.

A clean chimney is a safe chimney, and the best way to ensure your chimney and fireplace are safe to use is by calling us to learn more about our chimney sweeps and our chimney cleaning service. We can send one of our certified chimney sweeps to your home to perform a professional and complete chimney cleaning so you can rest easy knowing your fireplace and chimney are safe to use.

For more information on how to hire chimney sweeps in Hackensack or any of the surrounding areas, call Guardian Chimney at 1-888-688-1388 or you can Contact Us.

Importance of a Chimney Flue

Many people have fireplaces but don’t understand all the components of what it includes. We are going to discuss the chimney flue: what it is, why it’s important and how it needs to be maintained. We also will discuss safety issues regarding the chimney flue in your Garfield home.

A chimney flue is extremely important for any fireplace. The chimney flue is the chamber that takes the gas, smoke and exhaust from your fireplace and vents it outside where it can safely disperse into the air. Without the chimney flue, the gases would build up and cause harm to you, your loved ones and your home.

The chimney flue is surrounded by the chimney, which provides heat insulation to reduce the risk of fire. It is possible for a single chimney to have multiple flues. This would be the case in a home with several stoves or fireplaces that are linked to the same chimney. Chimney flues come in a range of sizes and styles.

Normally, chimney flues are straight, since this provides the best draft and ensures there is a steady flow of unwanted material out of the chimney. The amount of draft is controlled with the use of a damper that is mounted inside. This allows the user to find the right balance between ventilation and heat loss.

Chimney flues are normally made from heat resistant materials, since gases can be extremely hot. The surrounding chimney adds additional fire resistance and also reduces heat loss. Common materials for a chimney flue include ceramic, tile, brick and various metals.

It is difficult to get a fire to burn with total efficiency. Therefore, over time, a flue will become clogged with creosote and other byproducts of incomplete combustion. Creosote can build up on the sides of the chimney flue causing many problems. First, it makes the flue less efficient since there is less space for the gases to escape. Second, it can be ignited by passing sparks causing a dangerous chimney fire.

Inspecting and cleaning your chimney flue regularly is important to prevent a fire. A professional chimney sweep like Guardian Chimney has the experience and tools necessary to clean your chimney flue effectively and safely.

How often you will need your chimney flue cleaned will depend on how often you use your fireplace, the type of wood you burn, etc. Please give Guardian Chimney a call the next time you need your chimney inspected or cleaned.

If you would like more information on how to maintain your chimney flue or for any chimney maintenance or repair services in Garfield and the surrounding areas, call Guardian Chimney at 1-888-688-1388 or Contact Us.

Avoiding Chimney Repair Scams

No matter where you turn, it seems like there is a scam artist in just about every aspect of life. And as a licensed chimney repair company serving Ramsey and the surrounding areas, we often hear about these scams.

We hate to hear that anyone has been scammed in any aspect, but it especially bothers us when it comes to chimney repair since having a working and fully functional chimney is so vital to the health and well-being of you and your loved ones. So here are a few tips on how to avoid a chimney repair scam. Of course, you can avoid it entirely if you call a licensed chimney repair company like Guardian Chimney!

When looking at chimney repair companies, the biggest red flag you should watch out for is whether or not the company is licensed in your state to do the chimney repair work. If they are not licensed, you definitely should not hire them to do any work for you whatsoever.

Finding out if they are licensed is usually an easy process. Ask them outright for their license number. If they provide one, call your state’s department of labor and/or licensing and verify that number and that their licensing is all up to date. If you cannot get the license number from them for one reason or another, call your local department of labor and/or licensing and inquire about it there. But if the chimney repair company just outright refuses to give you this information, move on to another company.

Read some online reviews about the chimney repair company too. There are plenty of online review websites for consumers, and there are also several scam report websites out there too. Search by the company name and the locations they serve and see what comes up. Read the reviews thoroughly. If you see far more negative reviews than positive, you might want to look into hiring another chimney repair company.

Do not allow pushy sales people to push you into making a decision if you are not ready to make a decision. Do your homework and research, get a few different estimates from a few different chimney repair companies and take it from there. And call Guardian Chimney for chimney repair in the Ramsey area.

If you would like more information on a licensed and reliable chimney repair company serving Ramsey and the surrounding areas, call Guardian Chimney at 1-888-688-1388 or Contact Us.

High-Tech Chimney Video Inspections

Taking care of your chimney is no longer just a matter of hiring someone to clean it out. The job is done by fully-trained professionals who utilize the most technologically advanced equipment available. One of the areas that use such tools is Level II Video Inspections, as one article noted:

Chimney video inspections allow the technician to spot defective joints and cracks in the flue pipe. These defects could allow poisonous gases or even fire to escape into your home. Chimney video inspections allow the technician to spot defective joints and cracks in the flue pipe. These defects could allow poisonous gases or even fire to escape into your home.

Determining what problems are or could be plaguing your chimney can’t be done with just a quick look. A Level II Video Inspection will go up the entire length of your chimney, and locate issues that are and could be plaguing it.

Read the entire article: “Chimney Video Inspections and High-Tech Chimney Sweeps.”

Welcome to the Guardian Chimney blog!

As a New Jersey owned and operated business, we at Guardian Chimney have always prided ourselves on our work, and illustrating why we’re one of the area’s top companies for chimney inspections, caps, dampers and more.

Because of the pride we take in our work, we’re happy to today launch our blog. It will be frequently updated with information on chimney inspections. We will also use this blog to showcase projects – past and present – the Guardian Chimney staff has worked so very hard on.

Not familiar with (company name)? Please visit our home page to learn more about our company and services, or if you’re looking around at different New Jersey chimney video inspections companies. We look forward to working with you!