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Annual Chimney Cleaning Keeps Families Safe

Chimney sweeps remove blockages—namely creosote and soot—accumulated within the cozy confines of your overall chimney. These blockages can cause catastrophe in the form of fire and/or carbon monoxide poisoning. As such, it is wholly necessary, to have inspection and subsequent chimney cleaning done on a regular (at least) annual basis at your home. Guardian Chimney conducts chimney cleaning for Paramus NJ residents and others nearby. Call us up now and we can schedule you for an inspection or cleaning to ensure that your chimney is ready to burn come the arrival of cooler temperatures.

A regular cleaning schedule can guarantee safer operation of your chimney. Just a trace amount of accumulated creosote can unfurl a blaze that can consume you home. A very flammable substance, creosote builds up within your chimney or liner as a result of burning wood, which hampers the draw of your fireplace and reduces overall heating efficiency. Different types of wood house different amounts of creosote when burned. Pine, for example, tends to create a swift build-up of creosote and should not be utilized as a heat source.

To make sure that your chimney is fully functional, homeowners should implement annual inspection, followed by chimney cleaning, if necessary. Venting systems that are connected to furnaces and stoves should also be cleaned regularly to maintain safer operation. Fireplace, stove, furnace and heating appliance systems are important to your home and the safety of your family—this is not an area to spare in order to save on costs. Don’t take any chances on your chimney as problems may be lurking within your there right now. The great potential of expensive repairs, chimney fires and carbon monoxide poisoning are very realistic in an unchecked and not properly cleaned chimney.

Perhaps you only utilize your chimney sparingly. It is within your best interests to have the chimney inspected annually before ramp-up. This could make you aware that a cleaning is needed or that you are good without one for another cold season. Inspections can lead to the discovery of more than just a needed cleaning. Defects in design or installation can be detected during such an inspection that will otherwise rule out or justify the need for a chimney cleaning.

Would you like to learn more about chimney cleaning in Paramus NJ? Call Guardian Chimney at 1-888-688-1388 or you can contact us.